Thursday, August 18, 2011

Lights out: Ump halts game, instructs fans to dim their clothing

It may stand as the oddest request ever made by a major league umpire:
Hey fellas, could you please turn off your jackets?
Yet that's exactly what the crew working the Oakland Athletics-Baltimore Orioles game on Tuesday night had to ask as two men wearing LED-laced clothing sat behind the plate at the Coliseum. With one wearing the green glow of the A's logo on his chest and the other sporting Orioles orange, the pair were very visible from the playing field.

Watch blue flip the switch as Oakland's pro-neon crowd boos:

Had these two men not been sitting in Tony Randazzo's line of sight as he worked second base, I'm guessing they would have been fine and Fashion Ump would not have ruled it a faux pas.  Then again, given Oakland's small crowd, it's kind of hard to attend a game in such a flashy coat and not be noticed.

I'm not going to lie, either: After seeing this clip, I kind of want one now. If these jackets were actually made by these two guys, they could have quite a fashion hit on their hands.

By 'Duk

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